Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Allow me to introduce myself

I am a Ph.D. student and runner. I recently qualified for the NYC marathon and immediately signed up. $200 later and the realization that now I have to not only train for, but run the marathon, I am regretting my decision. To top it off I want to finish my dissertation in the next year. Today (this very moment to be precise) I was (am) sitting in the library looking for motivation on (when I of course should have been doing work...which I was earlier). They have a bunch of blogs on there, so I figured I'd start my own. Not for anyone else (heaven knows I am a bore), but to make myself run and run fast!

Sooooo, after a nearly 4 week hiatus from running I am going to begin training for a half marathon in August and then the real deal (New York, baby!) in November. Wish me luck!